香港行My Dear, It was very nice to talk to you over the phone a while ago. It will be great if you can ARMANIcome to HK this weekend. Here is my proposal : Friday (7/10) 1. you may take afternoon flight to HK, 酒店打工arrival around 5pm, then take Airport Express (HK$180 round way) to HK station- 25 min ride., so 燒烤estimate your arrival time to HK statation is around 6pm. call me when you arrive , and I will pick 帛琉you up at the station - my office building is just across the street of the HK station 2. we can go home 票貼after dinner and have some chats at home - I have some good wine at home Sat. (7/11) 1. we can 東森房屋sleep late and then I'll take you out for shopping (now is on sale season, 50% off) or have G2000foot(or body) massage if you like, otherwise we can go out for hiking or sightseeing depends on the 二胎climate 2. we can go out for a couple of drinks in the evening Sun.(7/12) 1. We can sleep late 設計裝潢and have rest in the morning 2. you can take afternoon flgiht back to Taipei. Please let me 買屋網know your plan. Christine

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